
Lothersdale School Association

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Following our AGM on Monday 17 October 2022, we are pleased to welcome Anna Chapman and Katie Jeffreys as Secretary and Treasurer respectively. We also welcome our new Year Representatives, as detailed below, who will communicate directly with each year group (via WhatsApp) regarding any communication related to the LSA.

Reception       Victoria Baldwin

Year 1              Katie Lubomski-Wiggan

Year 2              Lauren Peacock

Year 3              Rachel North

Year 4              Victoria Paul

Year 5              Heidi Broadhead

Year 6              Anna Chapman

As we closed our financial year, we reflected on how amazing last year had been in terms of fundraising. Attached below is a breakdown of how much we raised and how it was spent.

We cannot stress enough how vital the LSA is to the school and our children. The figures speak for themselves. Last year’s aim was to fund the refurbishment of the school library. We are delighted with the results and hope to plan ‘a grand opening’ soon so you can all see where and how the money you have helped to raise has been spent.

This year, our focus will be in line with the school improvement plan to revamp the playground. We have already started the process and are asking local businesses to help us get an idea of cost. If you know of anyone who may be able to help us, please do get in touch. We are also proposing to offer day events for the children to enjoy such as Art Day, Music Day, Story Telling Day, Forest School Day and we hope to have these planned throughout the year.

Easter Bake Sale ~ Monday 27 March 2023

Our Easter Bake Sale will take place in the playground at 3.15pm on Monday 27 March 2023.  Donations of cakes and bakes welcome.

Children's Bingo Night ~ Wednesday 29 March 2023

This fun event will take place from 3.15pm to 5.15pm on Wednesday 29 March 2023.  Please book your child's place by Monday 27 March 2023.

Lastly, the LSA has an online shopping portal which has raised an amazing amount (£492.17 for 21/22 / £364.77 to be paid in next quarter). This is such an easy way to raise money. More information will be sent to all WhatsApp groups.

On behalf of all the LSA team, THANK YOU.