South Craven Cluster Cross Country event, Harvest Festivals, World Space Week, Kitchen Assistant vacancy, Grandparents Day, Flu Immunisations, LSA Autumn Bake Sale
Headteacher Update, Staffing Update, Parent Consultations, Y3-4 Maths Challenge at SCS, Times Tables Rock Stars Day, Class 3 visit to Skipton Castle, Extended Schools' Activities
Class 2 Great Fire of London online workshop, World Book Day celebrations, Scholastic Book Fairs, British Science Week events, Fairtrade Coffee Morning, Year 6 Crucial Crew Visit, Comic Relief Red Nose Day
Happy Easter! Egg Decorating Competition, Charity updates, Rotary Young Writer Competition, Parent Consultations, Y3-4 Maths Challenge, School Uniform Reminder, LEGENDS Before & After School Club updates, LSA Movie Night and Bag2School collection