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Physical Education

Our PE curriculum has been carefully designed to ensure that knowledge and skills are built systematically throughout school. Children are given sufficient time to develop expert knowledge of a range of sports throughout school.

Lothersdale PE Teaching

At Lothersdale, we take advantage of expert sports coaches to deliver top quality PE sessions. Class teachers and teaching assistants also benefit from high quality CPD during these sessions.

Kango Sports deliver Dance and Gymnastic PE lessons during the autumn and spring term to the whole school. Kango then deliver ball sports to KS2 in the summer term.


We are ardent that all children will leave Lothersdale with essential swimming knowledge. Swimming is not only a fantastic sport, but also a crucial and potentially life saving skill to have. At set times during the year, children from year 1 up to year 4 attend weekly swimming lessons. This ensures that children have sufficient time to master the essential swimming knowledge and skills.

Cycling Proficiency

All children in year 6 receive cycling proficiency training before they move to secondary school. This ensures they are equipped with essential road safety knowledge.

Sports Competitions

Every child at Lothersdale Primary School competes in a range of sporting competitions. Half termly intra-school competitions are held where children compete for their respective teams. Competitions follow the end of a PE unit and so this is also used for assessment purposes. As a school, we also actively partake in the Craven School’s inter-school sports competitions every year.

Sports Ambassadors

Two children from each year group are selected each year to become sports ambassadors. Sports ambassadors act as pupil voice to actively engage in developing sport throughout school. Sports ambassadors in Upper Key Stage 2 also organise and lead playtime sports.


Both formative and summative assessment is used in PE. Formative assessment is on-going to ensure that intervention is provided at the point of need.

Summative assessment happens throughout the unit where children are assessed against the objectives throughout a unit of PE lessons.


Download our PE subject on a page document here