01535 632 510

School Meals

Healthy school meals are prepared on the premises by our catering company, YCATering. Children may bring packed lunches, which must be in clearly marked boxes. 

Children in Early Years and KS1 receive a school meal at no cost to the parent/carer under the Universal Free School Meals Scheme.

Any parents who think they may be entitled to free school meals are encouraged to contact the school office for an application form, which will be dealt with in confidence.  Alternatively, please apply using the appropriate application form attached and send direct to the The Welfare Team via the contact details listed.

School meals cost £14.25 per week (£2.85 per day). School meal bookings and payments are made via SchoolGrid, YCATering's management software provider.

Please see current menu options here:

Menu Week 1

Menu Week 2